Hope and a prayer. Why?

This page was started with a hope and a prayer. Seeing what is happening in the world today can be discouraging. As an individual, you are oftentimes left with a feeling of hopelessness and the thought that no matter what you do it won't make a difference.
I once heard someone describe the government as an elephant in the room. The room is full of people and the elephant will go around the room and do whatever it pleases whenever it pleases. One individual cannot stop the elephant. Not even two, three or four individuals can stop the elephant. But if MANY people in the room unite together they CAN stop the elephant. It can be done. All it takes is UNITY IN PURPOSE.

With that analogy in mind, there are many issues today that we as like-minded neighbors can unite on. We CAN make a difference if we come together. This is the purpose of this blog—to unite like minded-individuals who are concerned about government overreach, medical freedom, the family unit and free agency.
It is my sincere hope and prayer that the information provided on these pages will give you knowledge which will help you advocate for yourself, your family and for future generations. 


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